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Thus because the feasibility of routinely
Thus, because the feasibility of routinely doing complete diagnostic autopsies is problematic, and indirect methods such as the verbal autopsy or clinical diagnosis are suboptimal, the development of feasible and more straightforward direct methods to ascertain the cause of death seems to be a prior
El n mero de correspondiente al segundo semestre
El número 61 de , correspondiente al segundo semestre de 2015, ofrece seis artículos en su sección Política y Sociedad. El primero poly ic cargo de Wilfredo Padrón Iglesias, “La masonería, un punto sombrío en la trayectoria de Francisco de Miranda”, trata sobre esta importante figura, quien es consi
La categorizaci n propuesta por Margaret
La categorización propuesta por Margaret Randall es mucho más simple, puesto que distingue tan sólo entre aquellos testimonios en sí de los testimonios para sí. Christina Dupláa analiza tal distinción: Como puede verse, la clasificación es bastante difusa, ya que en la primera categoría se consider
Another recent study also concluded
Another recent study also concluded that presence of EMD at diagnosis, rather than any treatment modalities ever used, was the only significant predictor of extramedullary recurrence. This finding suggests that the development of EMD, even during treatment, may possibly reflect different tumor biolo
In this study we found that papillary thyroid
In this study, we found that papillary thyroid cancer with infiltrating lymphocytes was associated with a better overall survival. Our finding is consistent with previous reports, suggesting that differentiated thyroid cancer with coexisting thyroiditis has a better long-term outcome. We demonstrate
Skeletal related complications as a
“Skeletal-related complications” as a quantifiable clinical end point were first defined as pathologic fractures, irradiation of or surgery on bone, spinal cord compression, or hypercalcemia of malignancy (HCM); they were first applied to studies assessing pamidronate in women with bone metastases f
El fen meno acontecido en julio de en Torib
El fenómeno, acontecido en julio de 2012, en Toribío, empezó 69 8 difundirse en una buena cantidad de los territorios indígenas, de tal modo, que en otros departamentos como Putumayo, motivó a que otras comunidades campesinas e indígenas se concentraran en las principales plazas. Así, el 20 de julio
When HLH is associated with
When HLH is associated with malignancy, T- and NK-cell leukemias/lymphomas predominate, although HLH has also been seen with anaplastic large cell lymphoma, other leukemias, and solid tumors. HLH association with non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma is relatively rare, involving predominantly older patients
Methods In March participants from safe motherhood
Methods In March, 2014, participants from safe motherhood groups on Idjwi Island, South-Kivu Province and Kindu, Maniema Province were selected for inclusion in stage one of our trial. We measured prevalence and intensity of hookworm infection, haemoglobin concentrations, and recorded baseline demog
Findings children from households were enrolled
Findings 5254 children from 3376 households were enrolled either at baseline or during the trial period. Mean 20-h kitchen concentration of PM2.5was reduced from 1386 μg/m3 to 930 μg/m3 There was a strong secular decline in the incidence of ALRI over the period of the study. The intervention was ass
br On May a colossal forest fire began to
On May 1, 2016, a colossal forest fire began to sweep into Fort McMurray, a boomtown centred in the middle of the Alberta oil sands in Canada. Over the ensuing 3 weeks it grew to more than 3000 km, forced the evacuation of 88 000 residents, destroyed thousands of homes and buildings, and is expect
br The UN high level Summit for Refugees and Migrants
The 2016 UN high-level Summit for Refugees and Migrants in New York (NY, USA) provided a historic opportunity to engage world leaders in responding to the health dimensions of mass migration. Despite the magnitude of the phenomenon and its potential for changing global as well as national health p
br Por su parte Pietro Cerone tiene algunos pasajes
Por su parte, Pietro Cerone tiene algunos pasajes, como el titulado “Del neuma usado en cantollano”, donde considera el carácter espiritual de la música. Tomando el concepto de Gaffurio sobre el neuma como voz de una sola respiración, asevera: Añade un comentario sobre el mismo tema en el que enc
En numerosas ocasiones Ricardo Piglia ha creado una met
En numerosas ocasiones, Ricardo Piglia ha creado una metáfora de su poética con la figura de un signo lingüístico dual que enlaza lo estético con lo social. Su obra se ha colocado dentro de la gran tradición literaria argentina de manera explícita, phosphatase inhibitor partir de las polémicas desat
FMK Supplier br Bacterial glycoconjugate vaccines contain ca
Bacterial glycoconjugate vaccines contain capsule-derived bacterial polysaccharides chemically conjugated to carrier proteins and are highly immunogenic in the infant population for whom they were originally designed. This class of vaccine has shown a profound impact on the incidence of both invas
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